Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Good, bad , and almost ugly

Good- yummy tuna at the salad bar here at work

Bad- Tuna may have been not so good quality wise. HORRIBLE heart burn during the ride. May have also been the Venti Blackeye I downed just before heading out.

Almost Ugly- Just about left said tuna on the side of the road, but I cut the ride short instead. I can see puking due to hard intervals (been there) but not due to eating stupid.

Except for the almost puking the ride was ok. The speed sensor on the Garmin hosed up so my spped data is hosed for the first part of the ride. I set the Garmin to get speed from the wheel instead of using the GPS, so when the sensor shifted everything went wack.

Next ride will be with no prior tuna or coffee. We shall see how that goes. Off today to pick up the boy.

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