Todays weight - 181.9 WOO!!
So in prep for Carl Dolan this weekend I decided to use my short workout time frame (I am on nights) to do some hills. Fun right.
So I warmed up and headed to Cherry Hill. That is the hill on Rousby Hall that goes to the high school. I hit it 3 times (remember, time limited) using 3 different styles; first time was all out seated, second was out of the saddle and third was seated and low cadence(around 70)
So how did it go:
1 - 1:04
2 - 1:14
3 - 1:20
This lines up with my perceived effort. The Tarmac climbs WAY better than the Venge. Pus I climb better 20 pounds lighter.
I'll post my race not that anyone reads this.
Be seeing you.