Thursday, April 7, 2016


Todays weight - 181.9  WOO!!

So in prep for Carl Dolan this weekend I decided to use my short workout time frame (I am on nights) to do some hills.  Fun right.

So I warmed up and headed to Cherry Hill.  That is the hill on Rousby Hall that goes to the high school.  I hit it 3 times (remember, time limited) using 3 different styles; first time was all out seated, second was out of the saddle and third was seated and low cadence(around 70)

So how did it go:

1 - 1:04

2 - 1:14

3 - 1:20

This lines up with my perceived effort.  The Tarmac climbs WAY better than the Venge.  Pus I climb better 20 pounds lighter.

I'll post my race not that anyone reads this.

Be seeing you.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Been a long time....

Since I posted a blog!

Well let's see.  I have ridden 2 centuries, raced in 3 road races and been dropped by ABRT twice.  I have been below 200 for the first time in decades, but am currently at 205.4.

Going for a bike fitting Thursday.  Dr. thought I had a torn Menescus in my knee, but it was just swollen ligiment, but instead he says I have athritis (boo).

That is all.

Monday, June 25, 2012

19 Days

Until the GiroDe Coppi road race.  Weight 205.4

Still nagging left knee pain.

Monday, June 18, 2012


I ride 63 miles yesterday and I gain weight?

May have something to do with the liter of beer I drank and trying to eat everything in the house after the rides.

See how things progress this week, I was at 201.4. So close!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Weird number that I seem to be stuck on no matter what I do.  It has been a steressful week with basicly no exercise or portion control (and too much beer) but 205.6 keeps popping up every morning.

Going to test it tonight by going to Stoneys with more food and beer.